Las Vegas
Age 30
Height 5'9½"
Stats: 34~28~38
Weight 130lbs
A man fantasizes about his best friend’s new girlfriend. He is willing to throw caution to the wind to fulfill his wildest dreams.
Be prepared to get “risqué” with me if you dare…
Some may describe me as both cool, coy and sassy. I am well spoken and hold an eloquent sophistication. I am well versed and diversified thru travel in many cultures. I love bantering back and forth on a variety of intellectual conversational and contemporary topics.
I have Crystal blue eyes. My body is Long slender and modelesque. Velvety to the touch my skin is smooth and milky. Blonde locks kissing the tops of my shoulders. Always dressed to the nine and Hands and toes always manicured.
Rediscover your self.
Are you ready to run away to Paris with me?
Câlins et bisous.
Paris LeMoi 💋
Please use my contact form to make a booking.
Technology is not always perfect. If you fill out my booking form and do not hear back from me within 30 minutes, please send me an email 🙂
My email is
Please use the form below if you wish to be notified when I’m visiting your city.
Gifts are never expected but much appreciated.Here are my wishlists: